2024 Book Fair Participants
Featured Publisher:
Fall Line Press
Featured Books by:
Lynne Buchanan
Benjamin Dimmitt
Dennis Church
Doug Eng
Lisa McCord
Houck Medford
Betty Press
Justus Thomas
Susanne Thompson
The 2024 Call for Registration for the 2024 Book Fair is closed. The text below is for reference only and is subject to change is future calls.
Showcase your photography book during SlowExposures
Sign up now for a great opportunity to showcase and sell your book to photography enthusiasts and book collectors during this year’s Photo Book Fair. The event is planned for Saturday, September 21st from 1–3PM EST in Zebulon, GA. We invite you to attend in person to speak about your body of work, answer any questions, and most importantly, sell your book. This event will be open to the public and advertised via our social media platforms and throughout our programming materials.
This call is open to the first 8 photographers who register. As part of registering, we will need a photo cover of your book that you will be selling as it will be included in this year’s program guide.
Once we have the first 8 entries, the call will close so don’t delay!
In lieu of a registration fee, we are asking each photographer to donate one of their books
which will be featured in this year’s print raffle event held at Strickland’s during the Saturday evening dinner. This will provide additional visibility to your book during this highly attended event.
At the Book Fair, tables and chairs will be provided along with assisting you with setup and takedown. Logistical details will be provided a few weeks prior to the SlowExposures weekend.
You will be responsible for collecting payment for the books you sell, so please plan accordingly.